A review by blodeuedd
Tyrant's Throne by Sebastien de Castell


Ok so I totally started this one the moment I got it. Not a second to loose. I dove right back into this world. And damn, it did throw quite the surprise at me.

The country is still a mess. I mean seriously, how can they ever make it better?! The Dukes are arguing. The Queen is a teen. And the common folk just want food on their table. But they have all made it this far.

Falcio is just so rightful. It's gonna be the death of him. I am glad he has Kest and Brasti at his side. They make quite the force. No one can stop them. They are my fav 3 musketeers for sure ;) No one holds a candle to them.

And all the side characters I have come to like. They really make the world and they are their own. They are fleshed out and easy to like...and hate. Damn that Trin, I just want for someone to end her.

Like I said before, there is a new baddie, it made for an interesting twist. And then there was that thing that happened too. I did not see it coming, but then again I always saw it coming one way or another.

I guess this was the final installment then? Sad. But it ended well, all those threads pulled together and I was happy with what I got.

A great series with awesome characters and an interesting world of saints and gods. Of intrigues and war. Assassinations and danger. The righteous and fallen. And there is always that feeling that makes you unable to stop reading. You have to race to the end to see if they all make it through this time around. Because you never know.

I do recommend this series. It is impossible to put down when you have started it.