A review by polarisdot
Bound by Hatred by Cora Reilly


I had a love-hate relationship with this book. Gianna really got under my skin.

I get her issues, but her refusal to see how offensive she can be is frustrating. Some of the things she says throughout the series would have seriously angered me if I were one of her sisters. Her constant digs at Aria and Luca's marriage are infuriating, and Aria's constant forgiveness only adds to the frustration. Sometimes, tough love is necessary, even with family.

Matteo, on the other hand, is charming in his imperfection. He doesn't grate on me like Luca did, and the banter between him and Gianna is enjoyable. He's exactly what Gianna needed, despite her initial resistance and subsequent regret. What bothered me the MOST was how recklessly Gianna endangered others during her "run for freedom." She knew the risks but seemed to disregard them, even causing the death of someone I can't recall the name of.

Her disregard for innocent lives, including her roommates, was hard to swallow, especially since she ultimately longed to return home. She only felt guilty after the harm was caused and that wasn’t enough for me. Matteo being the charming lover he is kept telling her it wasn’t her fault but it absolutely 100% was her fault. It was frustrating and heartbreaking to see her put so many people in harm's way.

Despite my frustrations, I still love this series, but Gianna is easily one of the most unlikable leading women so far. I’m only giving this book three stars because although it was a good read, I genuinely dislike Gianna.