A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Valiant High by Daniel Kibblesmith


I received a copy of Valiant High through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Valiant High is part of comiXology’s new Originals line. If you’ve read anything of Valiant’s superheroes, then you’re probably going to recognize a lot of the characters that show up here. There’s Aric “X-O Manowar” Dacia, Colin “Ninjak” King, Faith “Zephyr” Herbert, and Amanda “Livewire” McKee. They’re in an alternate universe that isn’t, where they’ve been thrown into a new setting, reimagining these heroes as if they were in a superhero high school.

I’ll be honest with you here. I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this series. Re-imagined stories like this can go one of two ways; they can either be absolutely fantastic or pretty terrible. I was hoping this would be the former, but without diving right in there really was no way to be sure.
In truth, I was pleasantly surprised. Valiant High lived up to my hopes and actually exceeded them by leaps and bounds. It was funny, quirky, and unique. The characters were believable in their situation, and while they were changed, it seemed to only be done so that they’d fit in with their new environments.
I’ve always liked the concept of a high school meant for superhumans. I can probably thank X-Men or even Harry Potter for that one. It just seems like a light and fun concept though, you know? And that’s certainly the case for Valiant High. While they do face dangers, and have their own fights and internal squabbles, it was overall a fun and easy read.
What’s really great about this series is that it’s perfect for both the longtime fans and new ones as well. Personally I’ve only read Faith’s series, but I had no trouble understand any of the other characters or their new histories. And obviously I was thrilled to see Faith and how they had made her character fit into this world. I imagine most fans would feel the same way.
I’m really happy with how this series turned out on the whole, so I hope that they continue with it. It’d be fun to see where they got with it, and what sorts of long term plots they start establishing.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks