A review by hugbandit7
Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story by Janine A. Southard


This is a rather bizarre book. It is told from a narrator's point of view, which was quite humorous at times with some of the comments. The story hits on some really good points - that we are too tied to technology (Morena's obsession with the iPhone - even if it was magical), you don't have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy and that sometimes friends are all you need.

I did like Magic Guy - an elf that has lived for centuries and was the only person that could see the damage the iPhone was doing. Suzyn was a fun character and despite her problems, was a very talented artist. With this bunch of quirky characters it is no surprise that they became friends.

The overall story was good but it did take me a bit to get into it...not sure if it was my mood or something else.