A review by hisuin
Why I Write by George Orwell

The book "Why I write" consists of four essays by the great writer George Orwell:

Why I write is an essay describing the reasons that lead a person to become a writer, and a bit of his history and reasons to do so.

The Lion and the Unicorn: Oh, politics... I just could not finish it. Not only am I not familiar with politics, but also I barely know with detail English history, just the overall details. If you like either of those topics, then you will probably enjoy the essay.

A Hanging: This would be more of an autobiographic event than an essay. Shocking and cruel, it describes the hanging of a man and the reactions of those officials around him during the whole process.

Politics and the English language: He mixes two of his favorite topics. It is good enough, since there are some general tips for writing, not just oriented to politics. However, in the end it feels a bit long due to the abuse of lists of words.

I like his writing style very much, but there is too much politics for me to find it exciting. I would highlight Why I write and A Hanging as the most interesting essays, but then again, because of the lack of personal interest about the rest of the topics of the book.

Therefore, no marks for the book in this case, it would feel unfair or too subjective.