A review by kirchersmiles
Beachcomber Enemy by Stephanie Queen


Beachcomber Enemy (Beachcomber Investigations Book 10) by Stephanie Queen

5 **** Stars

This is not really easy to say since I've read 99% of this series but I truly think this was my favorite so far. I loved the push and pull between Dane and Shana and how their relationship was tested and also that it was not the main focus of the story. As with all of the books in this series it is full of danger, suspense, and the perfectly placed twists and turns. I loved the progression of these characters especially Ronnie, to see how he started and how strong he has become through this series was awesome, and now a major player throughout this whole series has me completely torn, not sure where his story is headed and I'm worried because he has been a favorite.

I dont have the words to explain how much I love this series and wish it was something I could actually watch because I can see this being absolutely binge worthy and I can not wait to start from the first book and read straight through on a quiet weekend.

I would not recommend starting at this book, there is so much history with all of these characters and with the way this one ended you will need the whole story to feel the complete impact of what's left on the table. I need the next one NOW!!

Many thanks to this author for this story, I pick each one up with total confidence I'll be totally satisfied when I reach the last page.
