A review by lundos
The Black Star by Edward W. Robertson


Dante and Blays continue stumbling through their plans in the last installment of the Cycle of Arawn trilogy. It took the Edward W. Robertson 7 years to write it, and the use of language and detail shows why. Unfortunately, the level of descriptions are too detailed for a lot on unimportant stuff, so while it's better than the second one, it's still way too long.

The recurring characters from the other books - besides the main ones - were not overly used, but most were well handled and they all stayed 'in character' from the other books, which obviously makes the feel and red thread of the trilogy better.
SpoilerThe use of the Black Star was, unfortunately, easy to spot, but I like that friendship meant more than anything else when it really mattered. The theft from first Dante and then Blays was very nice!

The leading up to and the actual ending was very well handled and the last 20% went by very fast.