A review by tartbarbie
The Wife Maker: The Husband Maker, Book 3 by Karey White


I received The Wife Maker in return for an honest review as part of the tour hosted by I Am A Reader. Charlotte has finally figured out why none of the men in her life have worked out she’s in love with her best friend Angus it just took a little longer for her than him. Unfortunately for Charlotte he’s decided to move on taking the fellowship and residency in Kansas City to start over and in hopes of forgetting about her. Determined to win him back Charlotte quits her dream job leaves her friends and family and moves to Kansas City to win him back. She ends up in a dangerous part of town renting a scary apartment to find her tires have been slashed thanks to her brother Angus rides to save her.

Now in a safe place staying with Angus till she can find a new place Charlotte might just be able to find a job and place to live. While she’s determined to stay and prove to him she wants him he’s determined to avoid her every chance not willing to risk being hurt by her and wants her to leave for San Francisco. Charlotte won’t give up even renting an apartment in his complex and taking any job she can get even working as a sous chef making salads and plating desserts. When she lands a job for Hallmark for the holiday it’s the step in the right direction even if it is arts and crafts with kids while their parents shop. Will Charlotte be able to win Angus over? Or is there someone else for each of them in Kansas City?

I’ve loved Charlotte and Angus since the first book secretly hoping that they would be meant for each other. After the last book ended I knew that it was going to come down to these two and hopefully they can get their act’s together and stop denying or facing the truth that they are meant for each other. I like how Charlotte’s family is so supportive of her even though she’s chasing Angus across the country with no job or plans for the future.

The Wife Maker is the third and conclusion to Charlotte’s story about her finding her happy ever after. She’s had her ups and downs but she’s a strong woman willing to risk it all for the man she loves. I love how the story played out it’s so well written it was hard to put down because I just had to know if Charlotte would get the right guy in the end. I was so happy the way The Wife Maker played out that I had tears of joy it was better than I expected and I just loved every moment of it. The author has done a beautiful job creating a perfect conclusion to one of my favorite romance series. I would love to see a spin-off of Aleena or at least her get her own happy ever after since she’s one of my favorite supporting characters. I also really like that the series is in San Francisco and that Charlottes parents live in Fairfield which is right where we live well close. I think the author did a fantastic job creating a captivating romance story that captures the heart as well as the imagination. I love that the series is a clean romance which you don’t see every day it was sweet. I highly suggest if you’re looking for sweet romance you check it out.