A review by nlfrey
The Austen Playbook by Lucy Parker


The "London Celebrities" series are the only Lucy Parker books I've ever read (I honestly don't even know if she's written any others), but they're good enough to make her one of my favorite romance writers.
I'm kinda picky about my romance novels.
I don't read a whole lot of them, so when I am in the mood for one, I want it to be good. After reading a ton of "Christian" romances during my teens and early 20s, I am thoroughly fed up with that genre, and want my romances to have at least some... "action." Steam. Passion. Ya know, s-e-x. The good stuff.
At the same time, I still need a storyline. Prince Charming has to ride in on his white horse and rescue the damsel in distress. She needs to fall in love with him (preferably after first hating his guts for a while. Because #drama.) There needs to be character development and a storyline that could survive without "steam."
Lucy Parker's books live up to my picky expectations. They have enough romance and "mush" to satisfy my romance craving, but also a good enough storyline that I don't feel as though I'm reading complete trash.
To put it another way, her story to banging ratio is perfect.
'Nuff said.