A review by jnikolova
Horizon #1 by Frank Martin, Juan Gedeon, Brandon Thomas


Also available on the WondrousBooks blog.

Eh… Not the worst one in the pile. But very messy, confusing and weird.

And worst of all, completely forgettable. I will illustrate: I read it yesterday before going to bed. Today, I couldn’t remember whether I read it. Then I was sure I didn’t. I opened the file again and realized I’m on the last page. I backtracked through the entire book to remember what I had read. Remembered. Closed the file. Now I have a very vague recollection again.

The illustrations are very neutral, because I neither liked them much, nor disliked them in any particular way. The story, as mentioned, is nothing special. It, just like the illustrations, is just there, without provoking any specific emotion. In other words, mediocrity at its best.