A review by aug3zimm
The Truth About Riley by Henrietta Clarke


This easily could have gotten a much higher rating for me if there were a couple minor differences. First off, I get Riley's self-conciousness about his scars so I got his hesitancy to meet Cam face to face. The world is a superficial place and that makes it really hard when you have a deficiency or self-perceived deficiency. But to still refuse to meet him after
Riley realized that Cam knew that he was the guy from the coffee shop
? That was just dragging it out for angst, no other reason. Minus one star.

Minus another star for the ending.
Post-sex, Riley decides Cam is trustworthy and he needs to show that by removing Cam's blindfold.
The end. Stay tuned for the next book. Seriously? No. I hate required sequels with the burning of a thousand suns. I bought a book for the whole story, not 90% of one.

Theoretically you could say that end is enough and ignore the second book or you could do exactly what the publisher wants and buy the second book the moment it comes out. But really, all this book needs to fully complete it is one more chapter. Shoot, depending on how it is done, a handful of paragraphs could have been enough to give that warm fuzzy "awww!" feeling that I need to get from a romance for it to be a fav. But no. They want to sell another book so they don't give that "aww, happy ending" ending and then put out another book that will most likely have some ridiculous drama in it just to give the book some conflict and make me question the characters' ability to have a happy, healthy relationship with each other. (Because book two conflicts between established couples are usually either contrived and ridiculous to the point where it makes me feel the relationship is doomed to failure when they can't easily get over such an issue or it is something big like cheating, which makes me not want the two to stay together anyway.)

So yeah, good writing, cute character interaction that feels very natural, fun pop culture references - but it did drag a bit. Honestly, I could have forgiven the angst-for-the-sake-of-angst part of the program if the ending had been a proper ending. But it wasn't and I'm pretty ticked at that because I think it's a money-grubbing stunt so this book is lucky it is getting the generous score of two stars.

Quite frankly, I'm just pleased I was able to get through this review without dropping an f-bomb. Five stars for me!