A review by kawooreads
Freedom Hospital: A Syrian Story by Hamid Sulaiman


In 2021 I am trying to read more graphic novels. I picked up a copy of this while browsing at my local library. It is a fictional story that takes place in 2012 during the very real Syrian Civil War (which is still going on). We are introduced to a cast of characters and a story centered around an underground hospital where wounded rebels and civilians are treated. You get to see different perspectives of people living in a war-torn country including those who have opportunity to flee but can't because of their allegiance to their homeland, and those who are willing to fight to the death. The illustrations are stark black and white, sometimes heavily detailed other times seeming to look like ink blots. I felt the story was good, but needed more to make it feel like an actual story and not just a series of vignettes. I did like the subtle descriptions of military equipment supplied by world powers used to harm/kill civilians and the reminder of the death toll as we see how the cast handles the constant unrest for over a year.