A review by snowcrash
Confluence by S.K. Dunstall


More Linesman!

I really liked the first two books, so immediately grabbed the third off of the shelf. If you've gotten this far and are comfortable with the characters, be ready for being tossed off balance. This is to say the authors still have a few surprises up their sleeves.

One surprise is to separate Radko & Ean. (No spoilers, it is on the back of the book). This makes for an interesting twist to the book plot, as it allows us to see each character alone. The emperor of Lancia is a thoroughly despicable man. Absolute power has blinded him to the feelings of those around him. The book makes the pitch that those with good hearts and intentions will win the day. Maybe.

Like the second book, this one kept me up at night. No page turning thriller. It is more like a comfortable sweater on a cold day. The characters and plot are just interesting and simply flow. We learn more about the lines and the alien ships. They take care of their own.

This is the end of the trilogy, which is a bit sad. I really like the concepts and people. I did see the authors have a new series starting and that is already on my list.