A review by chllybrd
Blood Sacrifice by Maria Lima


Reviewed by http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blogspot.com/

Wow when it rains it pours, everything that could go wrong seems to go wrong in book number 5 of the Blood Lines series. BLOOD SACRIFICE picks up right where BLOOD HEAT ended (within seconds really). I was shocked by the ending of BLOOD HEAT and I pretty much stayed shocked throughout the entire reading experience that was BLOOD SACRIFICE.

Disaster after disaster, family loyalty, magic, dark magic, shocking revelations, and some great action are all things that you will experience. I have enjoyed following Keira while she went through her change and finding herself the heir to the Kelly family. I have enjoyed getting to know Adam and watching their connection grow. I LOVE Keira's brother Tucker he is by far one of my favorite secondary characters of the series. I think all the characters in the book add something great to the story. I'm not sure if Maria is planning a book 6 but every single last tie or side plot is finished or resolved by the end of the book and it leaves the characters free to live happily ever after (If there is any such thing for a vampire and a Kelly). If I had a say though I would definitely say that the series could go on and I would read more.