A review by lisa_readsromance
Greed by Lana Pecherczyk


Definitely finding this book series hard to get through. Honestly, I absolutely love the concept of the characters. The only problem that I am having is that the books are too long. I feel that there should be like only half the number of chapters to keep the audience interested. I like that the sins have fated mates and that they have to work at keeping from giving into their sin but i feel that some of the chapters are fillers that the author gave us. Did that mean that i enjoyed the books any less, No but I some of the info dump is unnecessary.

With Greed specifically I felt as though we didn't really get the best grasp on why his character hated touch or was overly sensitive to touch, Like I put the pieces together but felt as though, I could have been given more of a back story. I loved Lilo Likeke and how she wasn't really a damsel in destress and was a great female main character. I did somehow feel there was not enough moments of them interacting with dialogue, and that most of their thoughts were shared instead, normally I would enjoy that type of writing, but I just wanted a deeper interaction between them.

I almost did DNF the book, but it did get better around like 50% so that was its saving grace, I would say that if you keep at it the books are great, just a bit long, give it a chance. Mostly a decent series and a fun read. would give it a 3.5 rounded down to 3/5 stars.