A review by pewterwolf
Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story about Gender and Friendship by Jessica Walton


Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Errol and Thomas the teddy bear are best friends and play together every day. But one morning, Thomas is sad and Errol is worried. Even the swings at the park cheer Thomas up. Thomas has a secret that he wants to share, but it's difficult to say and he's scared Errol won't want to be his friend anymore...

Not going to say more, as this is quite a hard and yet easy book to review. This is a picture book and it's wonderful. It's charming and heart-warming and all that goodness that tackles issues little ones need to know such as acceptance, friendship and being true to yourself.

I fear this book might upset some parents as it tackles an LGBT theme (won't say what, but some parents might feel it's unacceptable for their child), but I think every child should read this. The world is a dark place at the moment, and we need a little more love, tolerance and acceptance.

I know this isn't much of a review. Like I said earlier on, this is a hard book to review and yet, remarkably easy. It's simply charming and heart-warming.