A review by bookwormjimmy
Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World by Bill Nye


The second book in the Un... series (after [b:Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation|21853626|Undeniable Evolution and the Science of Creation|Bill Nye|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1410172887s/21853626.jpg|42099751]), Bill paints a picture of global warming through scientific explanation, much akin to his style of teaching like in his beloved children's TV series. He explains climate change through a series of chapters on the forms of energy we use and the changes that could be made to curb the drastic changes that are happening on our planet right now. Like wind energy? Here are some wind turbine challenges we could overcome and harness. Solar energy? Only in recent months (after the publication of this book) has Tesla unveiled the solar roof, tiles made of solar panels. What about space exploration? As we get closer to the 2030s, we are one step closer to a mission to Mars, which can help us learn a whole lot more about our own planet.

Bill admits that it's not an easy process. We've down so much to our planet in recent history that some of what has already started is already unstoppable. But there's still time to slow it down and maybe even reverse the process. If we are thinking only in the short term, and only of ourselves, then there might not be much hope. But like any good investment in a home or business, the upfront costs might be really expensive but will eventually pay for themselves in the long run. That's what we want to do with our planet. Carbon fees sounds like just more ways for us to spend money? But will we have to pay that cost a thousand-fold when coastal cities are displaces in the near future?

Nye brings up a lot of good points, and even for those that already want to help save the world from climate change, this is still a good book to read. Reading up on the facts will give those who believe the language to be able to speak to others and convince them.

Although the writing may not be the best there ever was, the content will keep you thinking about your future long after you put it down.