A review by narflet
Peter & Max: A Fables Novel by Bill Willingham


I enjoyed this. It worked well as an illustrated prose story and was a nice addition to the Fables world. The ideas of Peter Piper and the Pied Piper story were thought out well, and tied together well with the larger Fables story - although the pickled pepper was rather awkwardly shoe horned in. Overall, quite good, I wouldn't be averse to seeing more Fables prose stories. The art fitted well within the story and I'm glad it was in there as it's more fitting in a book that comes from a comic series, it would've felt odd without it I think.

There's a couple of references to the main story too - e.g. the cubs, and
Spoilerwhat Clara was up to in the war against the Adversary, which I'd always wondered about so it was nice to see it in here
. I hope that Peter and Bo appear again in the main Fables story at some point, that'd be fun.

Now it's back to Jack of Fables for me (mores the pity), and the the Fables Crossover.