A review by camscornerbooks
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed: And Other Things I've Learned by Alan Alda


Read this book. Just do it.

I was worried I’d be bored or worse, disappointed, by this autobiography of an actor who played a character I have loved with all my heart basically my entire life. Instead I found that I love the actor even more than the character he played.

I can’t even describe this book really. It was so simple but never boring. It was entertaining but never shallow. It was real but never crushing. I read it in a single night and have never forgotten it. And the title? What a message to impart to his readers. It seems so ridiculous a title, only a comedian could dare to use that for their autobiography. But it was real. Listen to him tell you about his dog that was stuffed after it died and what that taught him about life and value and time and loss and regret and holding on and letting go.

It makes no sense on the cover, but by the end it’s the most profound thing you could know.