A review by hannahmaybookreviews
Numan Versus Numan by Nicky Blue



The Bamford bombers are a tribute band for Gary Numan. They were dominating all the other tribute acts before The Stormtroopers came and stole their glory. Five is determined to win back what was taken and he is adamant he will get to the bottom of The Stormtroopers hidden agenda. To do this he enlists the help of his slightly crazy, hacker friend Pete.

This is the second book I have read by Nicky Blue and as his first book left me on the fence I was interested to see if Numan Vs Numan would have me swayed. Nicky Blue has quite a quirky way of writing and often writes in a down to earth tone which I was looking forward to. Honestly, this is my first time hearing about Gary Numanas I was not around in the 80s so I was unsure as to how I would connect with this book but I was determined to give it a try.

I was pleased to see that Nicky Blue had continued to use his light hearted and down to earth writing style which helped to connect with the book and really appealed to me. I found the story to be very humorous in places, sometimes even quite absurd and borderline ridiculous but it worked and I feel those who were big on the 80s would find the read very amusing.

I enjoyed the characters and the dysfunctional family that the main character Five had. This made him a character you could relate well to and it highlights how hectic life can be at time. The family theme that run throughout the story appealed to me very much. I couldn’t help but me amused by Five’s misfortune, it’s safe to say that luck wasn’t on his side, I felt myself shaking my head at times with some of the predicaments he found himself in. He is a very likeable character but I had to remind myself at times he was 56, I feel that the author made him sound a lot younger which sometimes made it a little difficult for me to get my head around. Despite this I really did what the character to find his break and get some luck as he had been through a lot and his heart was always in the right place.

I found I was able to connect with this story a lot more than I had originally thought and I enjoyed how the story was also told through diary entries and text message, as this broke it up for me. However the downfall for me was that towards the end I got a little lost and was not sure what was actually going on, it all seemed to get slightly to crazy for my personal liking and I found myself over thinking the craziness. I was more than happy with the ending however.
So to conclude, music lovers, Gary Numan lovers and 80s lovers this humorous, quirky and slightly ridiculous read is definitely for you!