A review by jamiestwocents
Blood Secrets by Jen L. Grey


Don’t stop there!!

Noooooo!! There’s nothing worse than stopping at a climax! Ah!!! Good thing the next book in the series is already out! Here is a quick re-cap and my full two cents.

Quick Re-cap:

Crud, I don’t remember where the last book left off. So forgive me if I include things from book 1.

Sadie denounces Tyler as her alpha and creates her own pack with Axel, Donovan, and Roxie. Tyler attacks Axel and Donovan and they’re on the brink of death, so Sadie and Roxie turn them into full wolf shifters.

Sadie, the vampires and her pack escape to Lillith’s home. While there, Sadie meets a neighboring pack who knows about her history and fills her in about her past. Also, the Fae come searching to kill Sadie.

All this culminated in Sadie being taken by Brock and Tyler again.

My two cents:

I need to get back to this series. I seriously can’t put it down. So let’s make this fast!

I’m curious how this will wrap up in one more book. There are currently a lot of loose ends. I can’t wait to read it though!

There were fewer grammar and editing issues with this book. Yay!

I loved Sadie meeting the new pack and the explanation on her weird new powers. I also loved that now Donovan and Axel are full shifters too.

There were some good sex scenes.

Overall, this is still a great series! Now excuse me while I go finish it! Happy reading y’all!!