A review by debtat2
This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada


A Zombie Apocalypse full of twists and turns and plot twists but also touching on some serious issues: Genetic Coding, advanced Tech, the evolution of super-viruses and what a person will do to stay alive.

It starts off slow and it’s quite hard to read as it explains this post apocalyptic world and the modern science of it but then it begins to pick up its pace. Welcome to a world that has been crippled by a deadly virus outbreak that has forced most of the population underground into hiding, and the rest struggling to survive on the surface where they’re forced to do horrible things to survive.

It is a dark and brutal dystopia packed with the most fascinating sci-fi science, but in a way that’s still easy to understand and the whole idea behind genetic coding and having apps and tech that run within your body was utterly brilliant, mixed with some twists I did not see coming and even managed surprised me!

I’m cant wait to read more especially after that cliffhanger ending!