A review by goodthingsread
Dry Foot by Jarred Luján


I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This novel desperately needs more. It it way too short on its own to do itself or anyone any favors.

Four kids growing up in gang-ruled Miami attempt to steal money from the drug-dealing cartel to start new lives. The heist does not go as planned.

I liked the first two parts of this novel because they established characters and gave a very succinct background to the story. That was well done; I was interested in the main characters and curious to know more. There was conflict and drama. Good.

Unfortunately, the actual heist is laughably handled, both by the characters and the author. The plot twist is an old one and one you can see coming from a mile away. It just highlighted how incredibly stupid these characters, one in particular, are. The wrap up makes little sense except as a band-aid over a large wound and by the end I was soured on the story.

It's a shame because if this were a series and given time to be more clever in the heist, then this could have been a really quality book.