A review by tuftymctavish
Cold Welcome by Elizabeth Moon


Like some of the Harrington novels, this has the 'twinkle in the eye' style of information exchange. While a plot device I find quite annoying, along with the perfectly managed cast of characters, there's a decent bit of action and adventure which I like a whole bunch.

This tale is going along quite happily until an aspect I hadn't expected emerges and fully captures my interest. Unfortunately right when this is opening up... the pace of the book flips into overdrive and everything concludes far, far too suddenly. These unusual aspects are then whooshed through in just a few pages and chapters.

The earlier focus on procedures of survival is interesting enough, not familiar exactly, but relatable. New discoveries are on less familiar ground, and hence probably harder. Could really have done with a lot more time than the final push allowed for. The conclusion just felt rushed and lacking in the earlier detail. Sometimes the extra time and detail adds to the enjoyment.