A review by janeymacd
The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett


4.5 Stars

It’s so difficult for me to rate and review The Shepherd’s Crown. Being objective when discussing the final Discworld instalment is nearly impossible. I can’t begin to discuss the plot and main events of the book without giving things away, so I won’t. I will simply reiterate what Rob Wilkins mentioned in the Afterword; this is a novel with a beginning, middle and an end. It is not, however, a finished novel. There are parts of this story that are perfectly polished Pratchett, and there are other areas that are the bare bones of his ideas yet to be teased out to their full potential.

If you enjoyed the Discworld and are a fan of the Witches, I would recommend picking this up. It is a fitting end to the series and is much stronger and more enjoyable than the previous helpings from the Discworld.