A review by zachwerb
I Will Never Be Beautiful Enough to Make Us Beautiful Together by Mira González


It may seem unfair to compare this to others books in the recommended reading category, but it feels (justified?) to me. Alone with other people (Gabby Bess) deals with a feminine perspective combined with sexual experiences and the insufferable void that is our emotion with attachment to the internet, but does it in such a genuine and stylized way, that reading this fell short of that experience. Mira Gonzalez prose usually begin I, I, I, and although this is her choice, constantly saying I did something, I felt something, I ate something, does not constitute creating empathy (at least in my mind). This these actions could be taken as meaningless, but she constantly interacts with men and shares thoughts that I guess are meant to be vulnerable and become sort of shallow. Even when she talks about sex, its not taken to a raunchy/vulnerable place and it's so disassociated from any emotion the poems force the reader to view her in a sexless, sexual manner. She does not share her life, she takes action so she can have something to share to the reader.