A review by fazila
The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion



Let's get to the review, shall we? So the first time I read The Rosie Project is in 2013. I haven't read the other books in this series. I wanted to read them all so, I thought this was the best time to read it again. I remember the book to be an engaging and entertaining read. I still felt the same this time around as well. The book left me feeling happy. It was funny, well written and charming.

The story is said from Don Tillman's perspective. He is special in his own way. I found his character to be sweet, and endearing despite his oddities. Don is a 40-year-old Assistant professor of genetics, hasn't gone beyond the first date with a woman, can count on 1 hand the number of friends he has. He is aware of his differences and has come to terms with the fact that he is wired differently than most humans. He knows he is different from others and has no qualms in making a fool of himself around others. Even though the author through some characters alludes to Don having Asperger's it's neither confirmed nor denied in this book. He is someone who is socially inept and has rigid schedules he designs to make his life easier. We see him as someone who is strictly driven by logic and his need to make his life comfortable and safe. Don is brave, smart and unique. I absolutely loved his character. He is funny without meaning to be.

Don is determined to find a partner in his life through a questionnaire he carefully outlines to highlight his interest and preferences. He dubbed his quest for a wife as The Wife Project. He is helped by his friend Gene and his wife Claudia whom Don considers to be close friends. We get a glimpse of his social awkwardness in his interactions with them. Their love for him is visible and we can see that they are concerned about his happiness.

Enter Rosie, the Ph.D. psychology student who in her own words is fucked up because of her relationship with her father Phil. She is beautiful, strong and a little broken. She gets involved with Don due to a misunderstanding. Her entry brings a lot of chaos into Don's life. She completely destroys his schedules and his routine and he still enjoys her company immensely. This makes Don confused and overwhelmed by the emotions Rosie seems to invoke in him. To him, Rosie is the most unsuitable person for The Wife Project. She doesn't check most of the boxes on his list, yet the happiest moments in his life is always connected to her.

I don't know for sure if I love Rosie as much, because we don't hear much of her story besides the fact that she is on a search for her biological dad and has daddy issues. I didn't understand exactly how her father was neglectful or why she is so troubled and not getting along with Phil. I love the fact that she brings out a side of Don Tillman which is not otherwise visible. This is the perfect example of the opposite attracts.

Don's relationship with Daphne and how he manages that bond is genuinely one of the sweetest things I have seen. He is caring, empathetic and caters to her even after her condition deteriorates. The author shows us that Don is not without love or empathy, he just lacks the necessary social skills and training to be what is considered "NORMAL" in society.

Gene is Don's friend and a fellow Professor, head of the Psychology Department at the University. I don't know how to explain to him, to be honest. I found him to be selfish, a jerk, and totally oblivious to his surroundings and people in it. He is someone who is completely out of touch with his reality.

The story is a fairy tale rooted in reality. I really liked it and very much enjoyed it. there were so many moments in this book that were downright witty and entertaining to envision. I would recommend it to everyone who loves romance with comedy sprinkled in. If you are in for a fun read and want a no-fuss, straight-forward funny novel, then this is the book for you.


I loved this book, but I had a small problem that I wanted to talk about. There was this reference to 72 virgins in the book a little bit problematic. I understand that there were a few other instances where the religious beliefs were considered to be illogical in the book and the author made jokes about religious belief. Being a Muslim let me just say that the reference to the 72 virgins is misunderstood. The reward of women may be enticing to some men, to some it might be immense wealth, to some, it could be food, wine or anything that you desire the most. We don't know what could motivate someone to be the best of themselves. There are various references to numerous things that might be enticing to some, but not to others in the Holy Books. We don't live our lives in this world hoping to get the virgins in heaven. That is not the sole purpose. I see this line being used in media and movies. I am saddened that people don't take time to understand the meaning of it and not learn or understand the concept. We follow some strict rules to keep us from harming ourselves and others around us, it is also to discipline oneself. We abstain from a lot of things that may be normal to other people because we want the best for ourselves and those around us. Also, the joke about Mary mother of Jesus was also not something I liked. Because she is also one of the most prominent and influential woman personalities in our faith tradition. I dislike things like that.

Other than these minor problems I liked this book. I am hoping that the intention of the author was not to offend and so I will take it as such. I think authors need to keep in mind that when it comes to religion you need to be sensitive and open to understanding their perspectives and views even if it's worlds apart from your own.