A review by beastreader
A Noble Cause by J. Gregory Smith


Mark Noble and his girlfriend, Vanessa are vacationing in the Caribbean. Mark is going to pop the question to Vanessa. He has everything ready. Now all he needs is the woman. Vanessa should have returned by now. Mark soon realizes that Vanessa has been taken. Vanessa's disapperance is connected to his father, Dr. Noble's recent death and experiments.

Now, Mark must find Vanessa before it is too late.

This book was good. It had action and kept a good, fast, moving pace. I liked Mark. It was someone that I could get behind and cheer for as he always tried to stay out of reach of the bad guys. While, I did enjoy reading this book. I did feel that it was lacking some in the character development and story line. You can not have really the main character, Mark, be the only one that is some what intriguing. Otherwise, you will fine yourself like I did skimming the book and not really soaking it in. The whole reason why Mark's girlfriend disappeared revealed little details. This is the type of book where if you want to read something not too heavy and does not require too much brain power, than you may enjoy this book.