A review by michellewords
A Winter of Ghosts by Thomas Randall, Christopher Golden


A Winter of Ghosts is a continuation of The Waking Trilogy and I'm a fan.
In this book there is a snow/winter demon that has started to hunt people from the o.g. curse in the first book. This time-it found Hachiro/Kara's bf. Together, Kara and her friends need to find out how to stop the curse in time to find and/or save Hachiro and each other.
One thing I have to say up front about this book was how much I loved the details in this one. The story was the same structure, but the word-choice was better (imo).
This series is another to stack on my "love" pile of Christopher Golden books. There's a reason I fell in love with his writing in high school/middle school and why I still love it so much.
His stories are creepy and thoughtful. I LOVE the way he tells them.
I am always reluctant to recommend my favorite author books because I don't want anyone to read and dislike it-it would break my heart---so don't read it. Or if you do and you hate it, don't tell me.