A review by littlelady_28
Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey


I was mostly unimpressed with this book. Ramsey makes a lot of good points and I don't doubt that he's an intelligent man who knows what he's talking about. Unfortunately, he made several comments early on in the book that I took as being highly sexist (even though I don't think he meant them as such) and it was hard for me to take him seriously after that. It is also now a relatively dated book; very few people write checks anymore, for instance, and a lot of the paperwork he includes in the appendices can quickly and easily be done online or through apps. Another problem I felt this book had was including a religion aspect to it. I understand that he and his wife are both very religious but including it in a finance self-help book seemed rather forced. Other than those complaints he did have a few points that I found helpful such as his debt snowball theory and the importance of developing a budget. Maybe an updated format with a slightly more modern perspective would have made me more receptive and inclined townard the general ideas and principals outlined in the book. I give it a C-.