A review by despina19
Caucasia by Danzy Senna


My reading experience was ok, not great. I’m still processing and thinking about what she was trying to say and the story itself. 

I was drawn in to the beginning and also at the end. I enjoyed that this love story was really between the sisters. 

I was both saddened and repulsed by so many of the things Birdie was exposed to at the beginning of the story as a 7/8 year old. Her exposure to all-too-adult experiences continues as the story progresses, so I almost became jaded to it. 

There was missing info or ends not tied up.  And, I didn’t appreciate the unresolved differing accounts of how much trouble her mom was or wasn’t in.

I did see that Danzy Senna’s parents had a very bitter divorce. And the book feels full of anger, confusion and sadness. I heard her in an interview repeatedly say she is interested in non-redemptive stories and about pushing pain to the edge and then the story just ends. I think she accomplished both of those things. 

I do appreciate many of the themes she brought up, and having heard her on interviews, I really like her. So I would definitely read her again; however this book fell short for me.