A review by beorn_101
Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies by Greg Rucka


This was an interesting one, I have minimal knowledge of Wonder Woman, but really want to give her another go (I wasn't a fan of the New 52 story line).

The story begins and it is really confusing, without spoiling anything Wonder WOman is confused about who she is and is convinced she has in part been living a lie. At first, I thought this was an attempt to rectify the DC Rebirth storyline, but i'm not certain it was. It seemed like this was referring to things that happened in the past, but this was the first volume. Rather frustrating for a new fan.

One thing I did like is the story jumps right into it, rather then worrying about giving a super in depth origin story. Most people have a basic knowledge of this hero, so it was nice to get right to the meat of the story. I just wish the initial part of the book didn't keep referring to events that clearly happened in the past and weren't common knowledge.

One thing I really enjoyed was Cheatah's involvement with the story, she was a compelling character.

Wonder Woman herself felt a little flat, she has a personality, but her dialogue is pretty basic and she feels very one dimensional. There aren't any great fights or even confrontations in the novel, with Wonder Woman sort of springing forward, smashing, and then done.

Overall it wasn't bad, but it felt like very little content. Not certain I will be looking for volume 2