A review by willowisp79
Destroyed by Indie Black, Sienna Cousins


Once again my emotions have been pulled,  stretched, torn, ripped and shredded throughout the book.

We begin with Indiana facing her days alone  after the big bust up at the party. Jen is still away with the school trip. She has a lot to deal with at home, at school and even her mobile phone feels like it has a personal attacker that sneaks up on her text messages.

Maddox tho is lost without his Blue. After going thru a personal soul search , he and India talk everything thru. These two have such a strong, deep and sturdy connection its a joy to watch it strengthen over time. He even surprises her about how to go about things with Weston. And even Weston is surprised. We see the 2 males come to the agreement that Indianas happiness is the only thing that matters. Any awkwardness or uncomfortableness vanished quickly and they find that they actually get on!
But is it just going to be two? Indiana has feelings for Jagger, the bad boy gangster who loves his family and is always there for her. And Jameson is always on the sidelines somehow. Her feelings constantly blurring and changing dependent upon his behaviour. But there's no denying of the feelings there.

Brett is back. We even get chapters from his pov ranging from when he was younger. These were interesting to read and to see how his emotions ranged and how he reacts to his growing feelings to his little sister.

You find yourself holding your breath when he crosses paths with Indiana. Not knowing what he's going to do because he's capable of so much.

The twins are still being the ugly step Siblings - Presley being lecherous and gross, altho he faces a few comeuppances and potentially he's pushed India too far... Tinsley is another matter. Yes still the same name calling but with her relationship with "matthew" on the sidelines, India is more worried, and its looking like she has a reason to be....

Once again we have an "anonymous". He's kinda scary and making more moves and making plans to move on people around Indiana. The cliffhanger involves him and its left us really worrying! Well - I know I am!!!

I received a copy of the ebook in return for an honest review