A review by emmascr
Country Affairs by Zara Stoneley


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Harper Impulse for approving my request via netgalley for this book. I read the first book in this series Stable Mates earlier this year and was excited to catch up with the gang again.

In the months that we have been gone Lottie has really grown up. She is really starting to come in to her own and becoming Lady of the Manor is the making of her.

I found Rory to be highly irritating throughout the book. He really didn't deserve Lottie and I' m not sure I would have put up with him like Lottie did.

Lottie and rory have a host of great supporting characters. You have Todd who was was an excellent character. He really spiced things up in Tippermere. Sam is really funny and Pip, poor Pip. I felt so sad for her. Elizabeth is just the best. She always knows what's going on.

This was a really sweet story which I enjoyed but I couldn't help but think there was something missing. I don't know what and maybe it was just my mood but there were times when I struggled with this book and times when I loved it. I've also seen that there is a Christmas novella coming out in a few months (which I have of course pre-ordered) so I look forward to seeing the gang again at my favourite time of year.