A review by hannahmaybookreviews
Tree Magic by Harriet Springbett


Title: Tree Magic
Author: Harriet Springbett
Pages: 443
Publisher: Impress Books
Rating: 3.5/5

A huge thank you to Harriet Springbett, Impress Books and Love Books Group for letting me be part of the tour.


Rainbow has a strange and unique gift; she can communicate with trees and her magic hands can shape their branches at her will. However, one day whilst trying to develop her gift, tragedy strikes, Rainbow’s life is torn apart and a parallel world is created in the process. In one life we have Rainbow and in another Mary. They are the same person but polar opposites and with a shared grief. Living separate lives, they must heal and discover their own paths but soon their two worlds draw closer and memories that once left them broken resurface.

Let me start by pointing out how gorgeous the cover of this book is! It definitely appealed to my nature loving side along with the synopsis too! The reviews also looked promising and I was eager to get stuck in with this read, I was excited to find out what this story contained.
Tree Magic is a young adult genre, this was a welcome break from the genres I usually read and I was hoping that this book would allow me to block out the world for a little while. I was not disappointed, it did just that but it also felt that this book could be enjoyed by anyone, not just young adults.

The spiritual feel of this book was lovely, spirituality is something that appeals to me so I was able to engage with this book well. I could also relate well to Rainbow’s mother as she was very spiritual and a character I could aspire to be like, such as being care free and grounded. Also, I must point out how Tree Magic highlights how amazing trees actually are and I definitely learnt some new things!

Tree Magic is split into seven parts and some of these parts are told in different perspectives or have split perspectives in them. These are easy to follow and clearly marked so the book wasn’t as confusing as I actually thought it might be. One of my favourite parts was part two, it was cleverly written and I have never seen a part of a book like it. It was quite powerful to read and although some readers may find it a little confusing, please stick with it! I must say I also loved how each part was a different part of a tree, this was such a lovely touch.

Tree Magic was quite a strange read, but in a good way, it wasn’t action packed, but it had a relaxed feel and I felt the main focus was on the characters and their relationships which I didn’t mind. I enjoyed the details of Rainbow’s early childhood a

Rainbow having an alter ego felt that to me that I was reading two stories in one. I also liked how different Rainbow and Mary were from each other. With Rainbow I could really feel how she was feeling, end when tragedy struck, I felt stunned as I wasn’t expecting that at all. I liked how Rainbow was independent but still relied on her family too, she had an innocence about her I really liked. As for Mary, the alter ego, she was strong and stubborn, a trouble maker and too independent for my liking that she hurt others around her, at times she frustrated me, I didn’t agree with her decisions but I did warm to her too as the story developed. I loved how we were hit with a twist at the end but then everything fell into place and became clear.

Tree Magic was an easy read that did help me to zone out of the world, the chapters weren’t too long and the flow and writing style was perfect. Tree Magic is original, Harriet is a very descriptive writer and despite not being overly excited by the story, I was enthralled, relaxed when reading and I am looking forward to the next instalment.