A review by amybraunauthor
Poisoned by Jennifer Donnelly


Actual rating 4.5! Another great book in Jennifer Donnelly’s retelling series! This one takes the legend of Snow White and turns it into a truly grand adventure.

The story takes place in a wildly magical world filled with all manner of stranger creatures. It also follows Sophie, who is definitely an unconventional hero. She is a little bit ditzy and almost painfully naive, but I couldn’t help but be charmed by her sweetness and kind heart. I really enjoyed some of the other characters, such as Will and Arno, and wished I could have spent more time on them and seeing the ends of their story.

Many of the events seemed to move pretty quickly and were almost rapidly solved. It worked given that this is basically a fairy tale retelling a fairy tale, but I would have loved for a longer story. There were also some POVs that were added which I didn’t fully understand. They made for interesting reading but I wasn’t quite sure why they needed to be there.

Ultimately, I loved this book because of the message. It’s a powerful, inspiring one that so many people need to hear. I genuinely enjoyed Sophie’s self-discovery and her journey to finding her self-worth. A definite recommend to anyone who loves imaginative fantasy and books with strong themes!