A review by crosswarrior7
Inferno by Julie Kagawa


So, Inferno. I have... Conflicting feelings with the conclusion of the Talon series. I'll still give it a strong 3 stars. To put it simply, this book did everything I expected as well as a few of the very things I strongly hoped it wouldn't. Basically, it was painfully predictable, but not always in a bad way because the things I predicted were sometimes what I wanted. But I saw the character death coming miles away, and the obvious secondary romance was as rushed as I feared it would be. But my ship did its ship thing, the way of handling the dragon vs human aspect of Ember continued in a way I loved, and there was an epic big final battle. However, I will say, I didn't overly predict the end-end, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Does it make sense world wise? Yes. Do I think it needed to be set up character-wise? Also yes. Oh! There was one thing I predicted that didn't happen, and honestly I'm very sad it didn't ;-; Look, I just wanted my boi to secretly be half dragon and turn into a full-blown dragon due to dragon blood triggering. Is that so much to ask? So I guess slight spoiler for what didn't happen? Overall a pretty fun series. Pretty basic, but also does a lot of things right that lesser series would have gotten wrong.