A review by evey_jem
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi


Oh. My. God. This was one of the best books I have read in a hot minute. If the last book was a 5/5, THIS book is a 5000/5! Genuinely I will read this book again, even without the entire series. I physically just can’t get over how good it was. One of the many reasons for this was the Warner x Juliette relationship. It was crafted SO beautifully over the last books, and when it finally happened, my heart could not stop beating. SO SO AMAZING!!!! I also loved how Warner was ALWAYS there for Juliette, and always challenged her to be her best and the fact that he called her ‘love’?!?! I can’t get over it!! Juliette too, stuck up for him even when all her friends were being overly cruel to him. I also loved Kenji in this book! He definitely added some much needed comic relief!! And the ending was even better! I still can’t get over it. It was the perfect justice for a sick, sick man. However, I wish that the final battle was a little longer because it felt as though everything was rushed through. For example, when she overpowered Anderson and held up the gun, I genuinely thought that some other guy or soldier would rush up and at least delay it. I don't mean to sound sociopathic here, but this man has tortured his sons ever since they've been born, and all you did was shoot him?!? I would've done MUCH MUCH worse. What I don't understand, is if she was so weak, why not suck all the energy out of Anderson and then kill him? That way she could've been recharged and he would be dead. That's a win-win if I've ever heard one. Also... ADAM. He pissed me off. I think in some ways I empathize with him. He's under so much stress trying to keep his brother alive, and is heartbroken over the fact that Warner, a man who tried to kill him (let's not forget that), is his brother. However, I DO NOT agree with him making Juliette feel so awful about herself. She broke up with you bud, GET OVER IT. Something that I will never forgive him for is the fact that he forced Juliette to touch Kenji. Kenji may not have gotten hurt, but no one knew that Juliette could control her powers at the time. Adam would have stupidly INJURED him, without The Girls being around. Even though I've gone on and on complaining, these are seriously just nitpicks. Every other part of the book was absolutely amazing, and I could not put it down!!!

Prediction: I’m only predicting the worst for the fourth book though, you know what they say, if you think you have it bad, it can only get MUCH worse. I can’t wait to start the next one!!