A review by ameserole
New Boy by Tracy Chevalier


First some background information. New Boy is a retelling of Shakespeare's play Othello. It is set in Washington D.C. around the 70's.

Now onto the good stuff: my review!

New Boy was a really good book (I feel like I keep saying that in my reviews today?). I loved all of the characters, except for the douchebag name Ian. I feel like there has to be someone I don't like in most books, well Ian is that character. Sorry, not sorry.

Besides Ian, there's Osei, Dee, and Casper. Osei is the MC of the book and the only black kid within a white school. Now Osei deals with so much racism that it broke my heart and I had to put the book down. I have no idea how people can look at themselves in the mirror and think they are an amazing person while going out into the world and being a racist twat. I hate racism and I hate people who are still racist to this day.

Well, seeing Osei going through all of this - Dee and Casper come to the rescue. THANK GOD FOR SOME DECENT PEOPLE! I loved their friendship and everything else about them.

Now that's all I'm really going to spoil about this book because honestly it needs to be read. It's such a good book. It will become an addiction.