A review by amyetherington
Collected Poems 1909-1962 by T.S. Eliot


I read this for a university class, and while this isn't a text I read cover to cover, we covered a good bunch of Eliot's poems in this edition so I'm treating this as a collective review.

You know how with assigned reading the book/poem/play you have to read for class gradually becomes so abhorrent to you that you begin to question what the hell the author was thinking when they wrote it? Well, funnily enough this had the exact opposite effect on me. My first experience of reading Eliot was generally just a series of what? and huh?, but then I got to my seminar and all became clear. Studying this actually made me like this more than I initially thought which makes a change from my previous experiences of reading texts under these circumstances (*cough* [b:Woyzeck |571938|Woyzeck|Georg Büchner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1175892999s/571938.jpg|2382472]*cough*).

Overall, rather enjoyable and surprising which is always nice.