A review by kerameia
Geekerella by Ashley Poston


Having finished the book at 2:30 a.m. today, I'm still relishing (it's noon) the "feels" that it evoked. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this book as a whole. It had me (literally) laughing out loud, eagerly turning pages in the hopes that the latest twist would work itself out, and squealing with delight at the phrases, references, and nods to all things "geek".

The characters and fandom culture are the most appealing factors for me. Elle and Darian's loyalty to and respect for cannon, their humility in identifying as true fans, and the reasons for which they love Starfield (the characters, the values & lessons learned), are all qualities that resonate with me. I also especially love and appreciate the descriptive, family-like atmosphere of ExcelsiCon (thinking of how other cosplayers came together for Elle) -- I could clearly envision the crowds, the mingling of cosplayers. It was beautiful.

I think the author's working of Cal as her own person, and not just a cookie-cutter stepsister, to be refreshing; it makes the Cinderella story more realistic. The other secondary characters are, for the most part, well-developed and provide a good supporting cast. I especially think Sage is awesome, and her relationship with Elle to be realistic.