A review by dragonflyreads
Sweet Obsession by J. Daniels


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The anticipation of Sweet Obsession was so real for me. Reading books one and two last year, practically back to back and falling in love with those characters left me wanting basically everything from this book and I got it.

Brooke Wicks is sassy, snarky, fun and hilarious. She loves to have a good time with the men she sees and leaves no room for apologies. If a guy can do it, why can't she? Until she meets Mason King.

Mason King (yeah?) is a game-changer in Brooke's life. He's not a player. He's goal and career-oriented and wants a good woman by his side for the long run. When Brooke makes her presence known in the front of his new yoga studio, he knows he's in for a wild ride but really won't stop and nothing until she becomes his.

Mason and Brooke's relationship is pretty tumultuous but also HOT. There's this one photo booth scene that's just...yeah.

Anyway, I kept thinking that something had to happen. Brooke had something in her life to make her the way she is. She didn't have many girlfriends, guys only wanted her for one thing but she didn't mind. She lives her life how she wants and takes no prisoners. For some reason, it was hard for me to get past that. So many male protagonists we read are the "man-whore" type but when it's a girl, she's definitely a whore. Brooke's got feelings and they're easily hurt.

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Mason was one of the sweetest and sexiest male characters I've every read, hands down. His natural way of life is not something we are used to reading in this genre and it's been a breath of fresh air.

I'm still praying for Joey to get his own book, because, really, he needs one. His one-liners and quips are absolute scene-stealers. And Dylan and Reeese still living above the bakery just made my heart swell.

Personally, I recommend reading Sweet Obsession after you've read the first two books in the Sweet Addiction series. Although it stands alone beautifully, Sweet Obsession is even sweeter after the first two.