A review by smartie_chan
In the Light of a Broken Moon: Episode One by Bri Spicer


I'm almost sorry, that I have to write this review now, because it's
a) the first negative review this book has gotten and
b) it'll destroy the high goodreads ranking.

Besides that, I'm not sorry, because I don't know and/or understand, how people walked out of this and did not feel as empty as I did. And I don't mean the empty you feel after a book has emotionally destroyed you. That's the good kind of empty.
This empty feels just sad and dissapointing. Although, maybe even that is too much of an emotion.
I struggled with this book, almost since chapter 2 and I wasn't able to pinpoint why that was, until we reached the 50% in mark and I realised that I found the "thing" that bothered me.
The thing was: kinda everything and nothing at all.

So the book has something like a plot? The important part is the 'something', because I reached the last page and I still felt like we hadn't even started anything at all.
The reason why I feel that is, is because we include a lot of unnessecary 'flashbacks' and memorys & informations, that we are told rather than shown, that - and I'm not making this up - by the time we reach 35%, our MC is STILL almost at the same location, she started with. She moved maybe two streets away from her starting point. But Martina, what the duck was she doing those 35% long pages?
Lol I have no clue. She was thinking? Reliving memorys and stuff. And that's kinda everything that happens. If you read the blurb you know the whole plot. There is not happening anything else. Unless you count the flashbacks and the 1 - 2 conversations Demya has with her girlfriend.
The book is over and if you asked me to characterize ANY of these people I'd have to give you a blank piece of paper, because I was told a lot about them, but I haven't really SEEN any of them, I haven't connected with a single one of them, I know a lot ABOUT them, but I don't KNOW them. That is an important difference.
The poly relationship was - at least to me - the hightlight of the book. It was also told rather than shown and I just have to believe the words and thoughts that left our MC's brain - which I don't like - but it still felt like those three actually cared for each other.
Although, I sometimes wasn't the biggest fan of the fact, that the book tried to tell me how oh so important the Knight x Libarian relationship was. It almost made the romantic bond they shared less deep, because it almost felt like, it was expected of Demya do fall in love/lust with her Librarian. I could see why SHE loved Demya, but the other way around... meh. It was overshadowed a lot by "I love you because I NEED to" instead of "Because I WANT to".
This feeling is only made stronger, when you look at how many actual dialog those two have with each other in the present. Flashbacks & Memorys don't count. Just look at what's actually said on page. :) The number doesn't look good. And since those two never really interacted, I didn't really feel like there was a real emotional connection or spark between them.

The worldbuiding was interesting - at least the part we actually got to see . The concept alone. A scifi setting WITH magic, a culture that resolved about that, wisdom as the greatest power of all. That sounds so cool!

The fact that the book ends the way it does just made this experience even more sad. Because this is not even a real cliff hanger. It's kinda like the book was cut of in the middle of somewhere. We could have alsmost have a plot, but than the books over and I'm left with nothing but this feeling of "wow". Not the good kind of wow though.

There was stuff in there I liked. It had a lot of potential, and if it had cut out a lo of stuff that did not need to be there and maybe fused the second and first book together, I would have walked out of this feeling happy.
But since that is not the case and I can only look at this the way it actually was written, I'll have to give 2 stars.