A review by blodeuedd
A Secret Affair by Mary Balogh


The Duchess of Dunbarton decides to take a lover after her year of mourning is over. The man intended is Constantine Huxtable, known as the devil. But neither of them is what they seem to be.

My thoughts:
Oh, book 5, it seems I missed some but then it does not really matter. This book stands alone, and it's not like you do not know that all the previous couple would get HEAs anyway. The book was rather fun so I could see myself starting from the beginning.

I think what I liked the most was that nothing was it seemed to be. Hannah is notorious, she married at 19 a man well over his 70s. People called her a gold digger behind her back and her husband gave her everything she wanted. She also has escorts taking her to balls so she has quite the reputation. But no, she hides behind this mask that is The Duchess and behind it is a sad vulnerable girl who does not believe in love any more. I liked her from the start, even when I also had the wrong ideas about her, but I soon learnt the truth.

Constantine was the same. He was born before his parents got married so that meant he could not become the earl, which lead to a distant cousin become earl (all the previous books was about that family). But he is not upset, he likes them. He also has this reputation as a rake and that is actually true, he does take a new mistress every season. But this season his starts to fall in love, and he shows sides of him no one knew about.

Therefore I liked the book, the people with secrets, falling in love even though this is only a affair for one season. The book was easy to read, and there was some drama too at the end.

Recommendation and final thoughts:
Sure, cute and nice enough. So easy to read, and quick. It felt light and I enjoyed that so I could recommend it. And it was so lovely to finally get a HEA. I have missed that.

Reason for reading:
Since this is the 2nd ever HR book the library has bought so of course I read it

I like it