A review by bookwyrm_lark
A Cold Creek Christmas Story by RaeAnne Thayne


3.5 stars. A Cold Creek Christmas Story is a sweet, heartwarming romance that follows last year’s The Christmas Ranch. It’s a very quick read, but charming and warm.

Shy librarian and children’s book writer Celeste Nichols never expected her Christmas story about a reindeer named Sparkle to become a national bestseller, let alone be offered a movie contract, and she’s not really comfortable with the fame. Celeste is happiest living a quiet life — although she loves her job as a children’s librarian, reading and sharing crafts with the children. She’s not expecting her teenage crush, Flynn Delany, to show up in her library with his traumatized daughter in tow, but her heart goes out to the little girl, who turns out to be quite a Sparkle fan.

Flynn is just here to clean out his grandmother’s house in Pine Gulch, but he can’t deny the attraction that Celeste holds for his daughter — and for him. The child of a movie star and the ex-husband of another, he has a deep aversion to Hollywood and to anything to do with acting or movies, especially after what his daughter has been through. (No, I’m not going to tell you what it was.) Olivia is still healing, and as it turns out, Celeste has more in common with Olivia than Flynn knows. The growing bond between Celeste and Olivia is really sweet, and the attraction between Celeste and Flynn is palpable. Of course there’s conflict eventually, but it works out pretty easily (as these things go.)

There’s plenty of Christmassy spirit throughout, thanks to the Christmas Ranch that Celeste’s family puts on each year. And there’s a special feel-good Christmas moment toward the end. In short, if what you want this season is a sweet Christmas romance, A Cold Creek Christmas Story is a good bet.

Review originally published on The Bookwyrm's Hoard.

FTC disclosure: I received a review copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are entirely my own.