A review by heyitsjude
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson


3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️I really enjoyed this! It was a fast paced read, and I think audiobook is the best way to go about reading this book. It really suits the format of this book since there's so many instances where media is involved like interviews, phone calls, and other transcripts. The way it's performed in the audiobook was perfect for the story.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is a YA Mystery/Thriller. Its Pippa's final year of school before graduation and as her final capstone project she decides to uncover the mystery of the town sweetheart, Andie Bell who went missing five years ago. Everyone in town thinks that Sal Singh, Andie's boyfriend was the one who killed her, but Pippa doesn't believe this and wants to know who really killed Andie Bell that night.

Pippa was a likeable character it was easy to root for her especially since as a reader you want her to uncover the truth. The mystery aspect of this book was really well done. The author fleshed out each character well enough that you believed anyone of the persons of interest could be the killer. They all had motives that clearly made sense. My biggest pet peeve when reading a mystery is when they finally do a big reveal of who did it only for it not to make sense. No foreshadowing or build-up and it feels so random, but that wasn't the case with this book.

The romance between Pippa and Ravi was adorable. I really like them together and the romance aspect of the book didn't overshadow the main plot. They were the best partners in crime! I liked seeing them work together to solve the mystery. As for Ravi it was nice seeing a male love interest who wasn't white lol. I find it rare to see Asian leads in YA books especially in popular YA/booktok books. They tend to lack diversity at times. Ravi's ethnicity plays a role in his character and the struggles he faces. He's alienated by the community not only for his identity but also because everyone thinks his brother is a murder.


As for who the real murderer was...I was not expecting it to be a two person job. It was also unintentional which is another aspect I didn't expect.

People aren't always what you make them out to be. As Pippa continued digging she discovered Andie Bell wasn't the town sweetheart everyone thought she was. She was manipulative, a bully, and sold drugs. And Sal wasn't the murder everyone presumed him to be either. Overall this book does a good job of discussing the role media, and the community play a role into shaping people into what they want them to be. They jumped to conclusions and created a monster out of a young boy with their prejudice. While they praised the girl who they thought was angel.