A review by whatshruyireads
Three Daughters of Eve by Elif Shafak


'I'm perpetually in limbo. Maybe, I want too many things at once and nothing passionately enough.'

(Spoilers ahead)

Elif Shafak's writing is what you could call kicking up a storm in your head. If there's anything like it. She makes you sit upright, grasp her writing in and in ways it'll resonate with your confusing journey that is called life.

Peri, the central character is a woman who's mind works round the clock and tires her out. She's never at ease and is confused about her belonging. Does she belong to the family she's born into? Does she belong to the mind and body that she possesses? So on and so forth.

For someone like me, the quote I've mentioned at the start of this review works..that is basically me and Peri's character arc is a stoic reminder that there are going to be women like her.

What worked for me specifically:
• The rich and detailed insight into Istanbul
• Unabashed and brave descriptions of her own country and people (I mean the writer's)
• The stellar professor Asur (oh boy, are they making a movie or series out of this book?)
• The relationship between Peri and her father. No matter how flawed it could look to several readers
• The seminar Professor Azur teaches on God. It is truly interesting to anyone who would have conflicting opinions on religion and can't decide if they want it or not for themselves.

What didn't work for me (slightly)
• Predictable character that was Shirin. Peri's friend and house mate and best friend as she claims. Although, there's very little in the book that impressed their camaraderie.

I'd give this book a huge thumbs up to people who want to sit and ponder on a lot of aspects about life. There's a lot of philosophy, the true Elif Shafak way of going about it. :)