A review by greyhairedkid
Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys


I loved Litany of Earth, the prequel novella to this, and I wish I could say I loved this. Instead I kinda liked it.

Way too cozy for anything Lovecrafty - nothing in the novel evokes the creeping awfuls (e.g. the classic from Haunter in the Dark “I see it — coming here — hell-wind — titan blur — black wings — Yog-Sothoth save me — the three-lobed burning eye”) as well as Lovecraft did. Bringing the elder Deep Ones onstage as proud parents may have been a mistake, methinks, and a Yith (powerful amoral aeon-spanning bodysnatchers) as a landlady/schoolmarm was worse.

That said, it’s quite well done for what it is... Just too cozy for me.