A review by rachaelreads92
Torched by Kimberley Starr


I enjoyed SOME of this book, but there were tedious moments and a few plot holes.

First,  what I enjoyed:
-The description of the bushfires, I think this was really well written
The poetry, beautiful imagery and symbolism
-The premise, I think it is a fresh idea and something I haven't encountered before
- The very small glimpse we got a the country town and country school
- Caleb's description of art and his POV, I much preferred hearing from Caleb than Phoebe

Next,  what I did not enjoy:
- The constant links to Rome, I understand the metaphor, I just don't think it worked and it was to overt-
- Phoebe. I think she was a really unlikeable and ruthless character. Did not enjoy her perspective at all. Also, her 'little problem' what was the point of that ? It made me dislike her even more
- Jack Spoiler, him not coming forward with what happened is despicable. It was disgusting and he should have been punished
- The dysfunctional family trope

Finally,  some problems...
- This book was set in 2020, we know because of the comments made about the PM's family holiday to Hawaii (did not enjoy this political aspect..), yet Phoebe claims that Caleb as a child had might terrors after watching the planes fly into the Twin Towers. 9/11 happened in 2001, 19 years before the story is set. Caleb is supposed to be 18 years old. How could he have been watching 9/11 on the news when he hadn't even been conceived? I guess he could have seen it in follow up interviews or docos later, but then why include it in the novel?