A review by dpcorcoran
Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles


3.5 star - I didn’t hate it, I actually liked it. But 4 star would be like I recommend to anyone who likes romance books and 3 star is I liked it but wouldn’t read it again.

It took me a while to read… it kind of dragged on and o was listening to the audio book. I’m not a huge friends to loves trope gal but I saw it on Tik Tok and it intrigued me. I think the plot was good and had a lot of different things going on to make it interesting. I just got bored so maybe that’s on me …

Merged review:

3.5 star - I didn’t hate it, I actually liked it. But 4 star would be like I recommend to anyone who likes romance books and 3 star is I liked it but wouldn’t read it again.

It took me a while to read… it kind of dragged on and o was listening to the audio book. I’m not a huge friends to loves trope gal but I saw it on Tik Tok and it intrigued me. I think the plot was good and had a lot of different things going on to make it interesting. I just got bored so maybe that’s on me …